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From Resume Rookie to Pro: How to Build a Professional CV that Will Get You Hired

From Resume Rookie to Pro: How to Build a Professional CV that Will Get You Hired

When you’re applying for a job, your CV (short for “curriculum vitae,” Latin for “the course of your life”) is your chance to make a great first impression. Think of it like a brochure for yourself, where you can showcase your skills, experiences, and achievements. Here’s how to make sure your CV stands out and lands you the job of your dreams!

1: Keep it Simple and Professional

Your CV should be easy to read and understand. Stick to a simple, clean format and use clear headings to make sure the important information stands out. You don’t need a fancy design, just a simple, professional layout.

2: Tailor Your CV to the Job

Before you start writing your CV, research the company and the job you’re applying for. Take note of the qualifications and experience they’re looking for, and make sure to highlight those in your CV. For example, if the job requires strong communication skills, make sure to include examples of times when you’ve had to use those skills. Tailoring your CV to the job will show the hiring manager that you’re a good fit for the position.

3: Show, Don’t Tell

When listing your skills, experiences, and achievements, it’s important to use specific examples to back them up. Instead of just saying you’re a “hard worker,” give an example of a time when you went above and beyond to complete a project. This will make your CV more engaging and relatable, and it will give the hiring manager a better idea of what you’re capable of.

4: Keep it Relevant

You don’t need to include every single experience you’ve ever had on your CV. Only include the most relevant information, and make sure it’s recent. For example, if you’re applying for a job in the tech industry and you’ve been working in retail for the past few years, it’s probably not necessary to include that experience on your CV. Instead, focus on the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for.

5: Proofread, Proofread, Proofread!

Finally, it’s important to proofread your CV before you send it off. Double-check for spelling and grammar mistakes, and make sure everything is formatted correctly. A CV with mistakes can make you look unprofessional and can cost you the job.

Now that you know how to build a professional CV, it’s time to start applying for jobs! Remember to tailor your CV to the job, show, don’t tell, and proofread before you send it off. Good luck!

Example of some CVs:

Name: Jane Doe

Contact Information:

Summary: A highly motivated and organized individual with experience in customer service and administrative tasks. Proven ability to multitask and prioritize effectively, with a strong attention to detail. Looking for a new opportunity to utilize my skills and continue growing in a professional setting.


  • High School Diploma, Anytown High School, Anytown USA (2016-2020)
  • Currently enrolled in online courses for Business Administration, ABC University (2021-Present)

Work Experience:

  • Customer Service Representative, XYZ Retail Inc. (2020-2021)
  • Answered customer inquiries via phone and email
  • Processed sales and returns
  • Provided excellent customer service to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Administrative Assistant, ABC Company (2021-Present)
  • Assisted with scheduling and coordinating meetings
  • Created and maintained filing systems
  • Provided support to department managers


  • Strong communication and customer service skills
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Familiarity with basic bookkeeping and accounting principles
  • Strong attention to detail and ability to multitask


  • Available upon request

A professional CV for Jane Doe, highlighting her skills and experiences in customer service, administration, and education. With her great attention to detail and ability to multitask, she is looking for a new opportunity to utilize her skills and continue growing in a professional setting.

About Author


Roshan a passionate writer and creative thinker who excels in crafting captivating, educational, and inspirational stories with a keen eye for detail and a commitment to providing interesting information.

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